Bromeliaceae -- the bromeliad family (45-54/1,500-2,000; tropical to subtropical, almost entirely New World)
Habit herbs (rarely shrubs or trees); usually acaulescent; often epiphytic, with some members tank-epiphytes
Leaves alternate, often in dense basal rosette; simple, basally sheathing; somewhat succulent; often with spiny margins; parallel venation; covered with distinctive peltate or shielded hygroscopic trichomes
Inflorescences spikes, racemes, or panicles
Special floral characters flowers subtended by brightly colored petaloid bracts
Calyx 3 sepals distinct or connate; green or petaloid
Corolla 3 petals distinct or connate
Androecium 6 stamens distinct or filaments connate at base; free or ± adnate to petals
Gynoecium 3 carpels, connate; superior to inferior with 3 locules and many axile ovules; style 1, undivided
Fruit= capsule or berry, sometimes a multiple fruit (e.g. pineapple)
(Floral formula: Ca 3 Co 3 A 6 G 4 OR Ca 3 Co 3 A 6 G 3 )