Rutaceae: the Citrus family
Habit: herbs, shrubs or trees
Leaves: alternate (rarely opposite), simple to pinnate, punctate oil glands and strongly scented, no stipules
Plants: synoecious (rarely polygamous or dioecious)
Inflorescence: various, corymbiform or paniculiform
Flowers: perfect (rarely imperfect), usually symmetrical, nectary disk present
Sepals: 4-5 (2-3), connate
Petals: 4-5 (2-3), distinct (connate).
Stamens: 4-10 (rarely 15-many), distinct
Ovary: 2-5 carpellate (1-many), connate, superior, 2-5 (1-many) locules and 1-many axile ovules per locule; style 1.
Fruit: capsule, drupe, berry, hesperidium, samara, schizocarp, cluster of follicles