Synopsis of Holdings

The BH collection is worldwide in coverage, containing representatives of nearly all vascular plant families and bryophyte and algal groups. The Hortorium Herbarium is especially strong in Carex, Rubus, Solanum, Cucurbitaceae, Malvaceae, gymnosperms, legumes, bryophytes, and cultivated plants. It's Palm collection, begun by L. H. Bailey and developed by H. E. Moore, Jr., is one of the largest and most representative collection of Palms in the world, and the Muller Oak Collection is the premier collection of Fagaceae in North America. Approximately one-fifth of our holdings is New York State material, one of the largest accumulations of local flora vouchers for the state. All continents are represented with special strengths in the Americas, Europe, Asia, New Caledonia, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Hortorium Herbarium houses collections by the following important botanical collectors: A. L. Andrews, L. H. Bailey, S. H. Burnham, R. T. Clausen, H. Mann, Jr., H. E. Moore, Jr., W. C. Muenscher, C. H. Muller, J. K. Small, and K. M. Wiegand.

In 2005, BH received an NSF collections grant for curation and reorganization of the herbarium. Timed to coincide with the College’s renovation of the herbarium space in the Mann Library building, the NSF grant also funded the purchase of 180 of the 926 new herbarium cabinets.

We have reorganized specimens in 389 vascular plant families into eight color-coded geographic regions and two cultivated categories. Nearly 2000 type specimens have been separated during this process. In larger families that have undergone changes in recent classifications, we have reorganized, annotated, and filed specimens according to new generic circumscriptions (Asteraceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Pteridophytes have been reorganized following Flora of North America for all North American material; Dr. Melissa Luckow has reorganized Fabaceae). We have not attempted to resolve all species level issues, but obvious issues, mainly generic changes, have been addressed, particularly for New York State taxa. The move of the herbarium from off-campus temporary space into renovated space took place beginning in January 2008, at which time family circumscriptions were implemented following a modified APG II classification.

Selection of Represented Groups* (these need updating)

Bryophytes 65,000
Palms 60,000
Legumes 50,000
Carex 35,000
Rubus 35,000
Fagaceae 22,000
Crassulaceae 20,000
Conifers 11,000
Cucurbitaceae 4,000