ROSACEAE The Rose Family Subfamily Maloideae


The apple subfamily is woody, and the leaves are simple. 
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The ovary is inferior and contains 2-5 connate carpels with 1-2 ovules per carpel. 
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The adnate hypanthium matures as a pome or pome-like berry. 
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The most economically important members of this subfamily are the apple (Malus) and the pear (Pyrus).  More specialized fruit trees include loquat (Eriobotrya), quince (Cydonia), and crabapple (Malus).  This space is for a photograph.
There are also a number of commonly grown ornamentals, such as flowering crabapples (Malus), serviceberry (Amelanchoir), firethorn (Pyracantha), hawthorn (Crataegus), and mountain ash (Sorbus).  



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Site created and maintained by Matthew Willmann and Melissa Luckow Cornell University, Ithaca, New York September 1998