ROSACEAE The Rose Family Subfamily Rosoideae


The rose subfamily is herbaceous or shrubby, and the leaves are frequently compound. 
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The gynoecium is superior and perigynous.  There are 1 or 2-many distinct carpels, each with 1-2 ovules.  
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The fruits are aggregates of achenes, samaras, or drupelets. 
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Species are cultivated both for their fruits and as ornamentals.  The strawberry (Fragaria), and raspberry and blackberry (Rubus) belong to this subfamily.  The rose (Rosa), one of the most spectacular cultivated ornamentals and genus for which the entire family is named, is in this subfamily.  Other important ornamentals include Potentilla and Cowania. This space is for a photograph.



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Site created and maintained by Matthew Willmann and Melissa Luckow Cornell University, Ithaca, New York September 1998