Solanaceae -- tomato/potato family (85-96/2800; Cosmopolitan, best developed in South American tropics)
Habit herbs, shrubs and trees
Leaves mostly alternate; simple to deeply divided or once or twice pinnate; estipulate
Inflorescences cymose or solitary
Special floral characters flower perfect and actinomorphic; anthers often connivent around style (Solanum) and dehiscing by terminal pores
Calyx 5 (4-7) sepals distinct or connate
Corolla 5 (4-7) petals connate (=sympetalous); actinomorphic
Androecium 5 (2, 4-7) stamens, filaments adnate to petals (=epipetalous); some with poricidal dehiscence
Gynoecium 2 (3-5) carpels; connate; superior (rarely half inferior); 2 locules with many axile ovules in each locule OR 1 locule with many parietal ovules; style simple or only scarcely lobed
Fruit= berry or septicidal capsule
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 5 G 2 )