Ericaceae -- the heather or blueberry family (116+/3,500; cospmopolitan)
Habit herbs, shrubs, or trees; often with evergreen leaves, some members (e.g., Monotropa) are achlorophyllous and parasitic
Leaves alternate, simple, estipulate
Inflorescences various
Special floral characteristics flowers often urceolate or campanulate, anthers have pseudo-apical pores (the pores are actually basal, the stamens invert during development), nectary disk usually present
Calyx 5 (4-7) sepals, distinct or connate
Corolla 5 (4-7) petals, connate
Androecium 10 stamens, distinct; can be basally adnate to corolla (=epipetalous)
Gynoecium 2-10 carpels, connate; ovary superior or inferior with 2-10 locules and 1-many axile ovules; style 1, undivided
Fruit = capsule, berry, drupe
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 10 G 2-10 )