Primulaceae -- the primrose family (23-30/1000; widespread in temperate regions)
Habit herbs
Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, sometimes all basal, simple, estipulate
Inflorescences various
Special floral characteristics some members have petals flaring backwards
Calyx 5 (4-9) sepals, connate
Corolla 5 (4-9) petals, connate (can appear distinct due to short corolla tube)
Androecium 5 (4-9) stamens, distinct or connate; opposite the petals; filaments adnate to corolla (=sympetalous)
Gynoecium 4-8 carpels, connate; ovary superior with 1 locule and many free central ovules; style 1, undivided
Fruit = capsule, sometimes circumscissile
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 5 G 5 )