Hamamelidaceae -- the witch hazel family (26/100; widely distributed, esp. in eastern Asia and eastern North America)
Habit shrubs or trees
Leaves alternate, simple, stipulate
Inflorescences solitary or clustered axillary flowers, heads or spikes
Special floral characters flowers regular, hypanthium present or absent, ± adnate to ovary
Calyx 4-5 (0) sepals connate; usually ± adnate to ovary
Corolla 0 (4-5) petals distinct
Androecium 4-5 (2-many) stamens, distinct and alternate to petals
Gynoecium 2 carpels; connate usually at the base; superior to inferior (often half-inferior); 2 locules with 1-many axile ovules; 2 styles
Fruit= woody capsule (can appear like a follicle if one carpel aborts)
(Floral formula: Ca 4-5 Co 0 A 4-5 G 2 )