Moraceae -- comments
Some Genera: Morus (mulberry); Maclura (osage-orange); Ficus (fig), Artocarpus (breadfruit, jackfruit)
Notes: Ficus (800+ spp.) is a very large genus with milky latex, a variety of habits, and some tasty syconiums (the fig “fruit”). A must see is the inflorescence of the genus Dorstenia to get an idea of a transformation series from the mulberry- type (spike) to the Dorstenia-type to the fig-type (syconium) inflorescence.
Read W&K about the special pollination syndrome that is associated with the inflorescence of figs. It is interesting to know that although the ancient Romans did not know about the wasps and this pollination syndrome, they noticed that if they planted new fig trees too far away from established figs, they did not were not able to get fruit set on those newly planted, isolated fig trees!!