Commelinaceae -- the spiderwort family (42-50/500-700; cosmopolitan)
Habit herbs; somewhat succulent and with mucilaginous sap; stems somewhat jointed with swollen nodes
Leaves alternate; simple; leaf bases with closed sheath surrounding stem; parallel venation; with or without pseudopetiole
Inflorescences basically a panicle or 1-many scorpioid cymes (i.e. a “thyrse” in the literature), each subtended by one or more boat-shaped spathes; sometimes appearing umbelliform because the main axis is reduced to only 1-2 scorpoid cymes fused back to back
Special floral characters stamen filaments sometimes ornamented with long trichomes; flowers colorful
Calyx 3 sepals distinct or connate
Corolla 3 petals distinct (connate)
Androecium 6 (1-3) stamens, distinct (rarely filaments connate) often 1 or more reduced to staminodes
Gynoecium 3 (2) carpels, connate; superior with 3 (2) locules and 1-few axile ovules; style 1, undivided
Fruit= capsule (rarely a berry)
(Floral formula: Ca 3 Co 3 A 3 + 3 G 3 )