Rosaceae -- the rose family (100/3000; Cosmopolitan, most common in temperate \subtropical N. Hemisphere)
Habit trees and shrubs, rarely herbs, usually armed
Leaves alternate (opposite); simple or compound, distinctive serrations; stipulate
Inflorescences variable: determinate or indeterminate
Special floral characters hypanthium well developed, nectary disk around the rim of the hypanthium, perianth whorls in 5s with numerous exserted stamens
Calyx 5 (4-many) sepals, connate
Corolla 5 (4-many) petals
Androecium 10-many stamens
Gynoecium covers nearly all possible variation, however apocarpy is common in many members
Fruit= drupe, pome, aggregate of follicles, achenes or drupes
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A10-? G1-? )