Fabaceae (Leguminosae) -- the legume family (690-800/14,000- 20,000; cosmopolitan)
Habit herbs, shrubs, trees (rarely lianas e.g. Bauhinia)
Leaves alternate; usually pinnate to bipinnately compound (simple, palmate, trifoliate); stipulate; pulvinus at petiole and/or petiolule base
Inflorescence various
Special floral characters: slight hypanthium may be present; corolla specialized in Faboideae with banner, keel, and wings
Calyx 5 sepals, connate
Corolla 5 (0-1) petals, distinct
Androecium 1- many stamens, distinct or connate as 9 + 1 = diadelphous or all 10 stamens
Gynoecium 1 carpel; superior; 1- many marginal ovules
Fruit= legume, or legume-derived loment or indehiscent pod
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 1- ? G 1 )