Aceraceae -- the maple family (2/120; Mostly New and Old World temperates, plus tropics of s.e. Asia)
Habit shrubs or trees
Leaves palmately-veined, simple or palmately or pinnately compound leaves, opposite; estipulate
Inflorescence panicle, raceme, corymb, or umbel-like axillary cluster
Special floral characters: nectary disc, carpels winged
Calyx 5 (4, 6-9) sepals, distinct or basally connate
Corolla 5 (0, 4, 6-9) petals, distinct
Androecium 8 (4-12) stamens, distinct
Gynoecium 2 (3+) carpels, connate, winged; superior; 2 styles or 1 style deeply divided
Fruit= samaroid schizocarp with 1 seed maturing per locule
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 8 G 2 )