Anacardiaceae -- the sumac family (75/600; predominately tropical, extends up into the temperate zones of North America and Eurasia)
Habit shrubs, trees, woody vines
Leaves simple to pinnate to trifoliolate, alternate; estipulate
Inflorescence panicle
Special floral characters: nectary disc, hypanthium sometimes present, flowers often imperfect, resinous compounds or volatile substances with strong odor in stems and leaves
Calyx 5 (3-7) sepals, connate
Corolla 5 (3-7) petals, distinct
Androecium 5-10 (1, many) stamens, distinct or weakly connate at base
Gynoecium 3 (2-12) carpels, connate; superior; 3 (1 or 4-5) styles, distinct
Fruit= drupe or berry
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 5-10 G 3 )