Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) -- the carrot family (428/3000; cosmopolitan, greatest diversity in north temperate zone)
Habit herbs (rarely shrubs or trees)
Leaves simple to variously lobed or compound, alternate; estipulate with petioles sheathing; with internal oil glands and often strongly scented
Inflorescence compound umbels (rarely simple umbels, heads, or axillary)
Special floral characters: small flowers, sepals may be highly reduced
Calyx 5 sepals, distinct
Corolla 5 (0) petals, distinct
Androecium 5 stamens, distinct, alternate to petals
Gynoecium 2 carpels, connate; inferior; 2 styles often subtended by bulging stylopodia
Fruit= schizocarp with 2 mericarps, often strongly ribbed, sometimes winged, samaraoid or covered with tubercles or prickles
(Floral formula: Ca 5 (0) Co 5 A 5 G 2 )