Laboratory of Dr. Eloy Rodriguez, James A. Perkins Professor of Environmental Studies

L. H. Bailey Hortorium

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

Administered within the L. H. Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University, the Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant-Animal Interactions is headed by Dr. Eloy Rodriguez, The James A. Perkins Professor of Environmental Studies, and managed by Senior Research Associate, Dr. Manuel Aregullin.  Equipped with facilities for isolation and analysis of natural products (including gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other types of spectroscopy and molecular techniques), as well as for biological evaluation of toxicity and activity, the lab is dedicated to research and training in the fields of natural products chemistry as it relates to disciplines of chemical ecology, ethnobiology and zoopharmacognosy, as well as "biodiversity prospecting."    

To find-out more, please see one of the links listed below.


Click above to find out about Emanations, a Cornell University journal decicated to undergraduate research in the biological sciences.

Research Interests of the Lab

Zoopharmacognosy of Primate and Non-Primate Animals | Chemical Ecology of Birds | Piscidal Agents from Plants | Anticancer Drug from Plants | Systematics and Ecology of Tococa | Ethnobotany of the Yekuana | Biochemical Prospecting in the Tropics

Courses Offered Through the Lab

 Cornell University Biodiversity Undergraduate Research Programs | BioPl 382: Methods in Chemical Prospecting |    BioPl 443: Topics and Research Methods in Systematics (Methods in BioSystematics)

Other Affiliated Programs and Institutions

     Institituto Venezolana de Investigaciones Scientificas | Terramar  

     National Institutes of Health Minority International Research Training (MIRT) Program

     Punta Cana Ecological Foundation | Grupo Punta Cana | Cornell University Biodiversity Laboratory at Punta Cana

Personell and Contact Information

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L. H. Bailey Hortorium