Cornell University Undergraduate Research Program on Biodiversity
The Cornell University Undergraduate Research Program on Biodiversity (CURPOB) is a research training program under the direction of Dr. Eloy Rodriguez , the James A. Perkins Professor of Environmental Studies, in the L. H. Bailey Hortorium of Cornell University. CURPOB provides opportunities for undergraduate students to learn about biodiversity through participation in research. Specifically, students participate in on-going research related to biological diversity of the tropics, through both field research at one or more of the CUB sites in Africa, South America and the Caribbean, and laboratory research conducted at "satellite laboratories" in these areas, as well as in the Phytochemistry Laboratory of the L. H. Bailey Hortorium. In addition to contributions to on-going CUB research, in fields which include biochemistry, botany, entomology, zoology, microbiology and marine biology, each participant develops an independent project in one of the various, interdisciplinary areas of the CURPOB program, including ethnobiology, conservation, chemical ecology, taxonomy and systematics, and biomedicine discovery. Students develop the projects from beginning to end, starting with proposals which are presented to faculty, and finishing with presentation of completed projects both orally, as part of program-wide and national symposia, and as research papers submitted to Emanations, a Cornell University journal dedicated to undergraduate research in the biological sciences.
In addition to research, students of the CURPOB receive training through affiliated courses, including a one-credit REQUIRED preparatory course which addresses, through lecture and discussion, issues such as responsible conduct of research and field methodologies, as well as background on relevant topics in the field of biodiversity studies. Students may also gain additional experience with laboratory methods through the affiliated BioPl 382: Methods in Chemical Prospecting. Students participating in CURPOB also participate fully in a lecture series which is presented in conjunction with the summer field experience, and which is intended to provide an opportunity for students to interact with faculty mentors from a wide-range of disciplines, both through one-on-one discussions, field trips and lectures.
Previous CURPOBs have included:
NIH-MIRT Program in the Amazon 1998
Applications are available now for CURPOB in the Amazon and Caribbean, Summer 2000!!
For information, contact Dr.Eloy Rodriguez, or co-coordinators Dr. Francisco Guanchez and Dr. John Berry.
Information and application.
To find-out more about undergraduate research at Cornell, check-out Emanations,
a Cornell University Journal dedicated to undergraduate research in the biological