Original Authors' Acknowledgements
The descriptive text (List of 50 Trees) covering the tree
characters is largely a compilation rather than the result of original
investigations. Trees in Winter, by Albert Francis Blakeslee and Chester
Deacon Jarvis, was freely consulted in the matter of bark characters; Trees of New
York State, by H. P. Brown, furnished valuable suggestions in the way of uses; and Common
Trees of New York, by J. S. Illick, was followed closely in many particulars.
The cuts for the bulletin were furnished through the courtesy of W. R. Mattoon of the
Forest Service.
Common and scientific names follow the Check List of Forest Trees of the United States,
by E. L. Little, Jr., Agricultural Handbook No. 541 of the United States Department of
Agriculture (1979).
Current Author's Acknowledgements
Special thanks go to Robert Dirig for his suggestions and comments about this revision and to Jennifer Svitko for image work and suggestions about web site design.
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