

De Benedetti, F., M. C. Zamaloa, and M. A. Gandolfo. 2024. Cretaceous-Paleocene Patagonian Spore and Pollen Clumps: New Findings, Alternative Explanations, and Opened Questions. The Botanical Review 90:1–32 (published online in 2023)

Wilf, P., C. C. González, M. A. Gandolfo, and M. C. Zamaloa. 2024. Putative Celtis Leaves from Eocene Patagonia are Allied with Asian Anacardiaceae. Ameghiniana. 61 (2): 73-92.


Andruchow‐Colombo, A., G. Rossetto‐Harris, T. J. Brodribb, M. A. Gandolfo, and P. Wilf. 2023. A new fossil Acmopyle with accessory transfusion tissue and potential reproductive buds: Direct evidence for ever‐wet rainforests in Eocene Patagonia. American Journal of Botany. 110 (8): e16221.

De Benedetti, F., M. C. Zamaloa, M. A. Gandolfo, and N. R. Cúneo. 2023. Pollen from the K–Pg boundary of the La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 316: e 104933.

Poore, C., N. A. Jud, and M. A Gandolfo. 2023. Fossil fruits from the early Paleocene of Patagonia, Argentina reveal west Gondwanan history of Icacinaceae. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.

Wilf, P., A. Iglesias, and M. A. Gandolfo. 2023. The first Gondwanan Euphorbiaceae fossils reset the biogeographic history of the Macaranga-Mallotus clade. Amercian Journal of Botany 110 (5): e16169.


Andruchow‐Colombo, A., M. A. Gandolfo, N. R. Cúneo, and I. H. Escapa. 2022. Ginkgoites villardeseoanii sp. nov., a ginkgophyte with insect damage from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Lefipán Formation (Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina). Cretaceous Research 113:

Andruchow-Colombo, A., M. A. Gandolfo, I. H. Escapa, and N. R. Cúneo. 2022. New genus of Cupressaceae from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina) fills a gap in the evolution of the ovuliferous complex in the family. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60: 1417-1439.

Glos, R.A., S. Salzman, M. Calonje, A.P. Vovides, M. Caoiro, M.A. Gandolfo, and C.D. Specht. 2022. Leaflet anatomical diversity in Zamia (Cycadales: Zamiaceae) shows little correlation with phylogeny and climate. The Botanical Review, 88: 437–452.

Matel, T.P., M.A. Gandolfo, E.J. Hermsen, and P. Wilf. 2022. Cunoniaceae infructescences from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Patagonia, Argentina. American Journal of Botany 109 (6): 986-1003.


Brea, M., A. Iglesias, P. Wilf, E. Moya, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2021. First South American record of Winteroxylon, Eocene of Laguna del Hunco (Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina): New link to Australasia and Malesia. International Journal of Plant Science. 182 (3): 185-197.

Clyde, W.C., J.M. Krause, F. De Benedetti, J. Ramezani, N.R. Cúneo, M.A. Gandolfo, P. Haber, C. Whelan, and T. Smith. 2021. New South American record of the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary interval (La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina), Cretaceous Research,

De Benedetti, F., M.C. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2021. Water fern spores (Salviniales) from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 290: 104428.

De Benedetti, F., M.C. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2021. The South American and Antarctic Peninsula fossil record of Salviniales (water ferns): Its implication for understanding their evolution and past distribution. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 295: 104521.

Gandolfo, M.A. and M.C. Zamaloa. 2021. Southern high latitude plant-insect interactions from the Miocene of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182 (6): 523-532.

Gandolfo, M.A. and M.C. Zamaloa. 2021. Macroevolutionary changes in deep time: Examples from the Cretaceous/Paleogene plant record of Patagonia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 110: 103250.

Lai, Y., M.A. Gandolfo, W.L. Crepet, and K.C. Nixon. 2021. Paleoaltingia gen. nov., a new genus of Altingiaceae from the Late Cretaceous of New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 108 (3): 467-471.

Palazzesia, L., S.F. Vizcaíno, V.D. Barreda, J.I.C uitiño, C.J. del Río, F. Goin, M.S. González Estebenete, M.V. Gulere, M. A. Gandolfo,R. Kay, A. Parras, M.A .Reguero, M. del Carmen Zamaloa. 2021. Reconstructing Cenozoic Patagonian biotas using multi-proxy fossil records. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 112 (1): 103513.

Wilf,P., Wing, S.L., Meyer, H.W., Rose, J.A., Saha, R., Serre, T., Cúneo, N.R., Donovan, M.P., Erwin, D.M., Gandolfo. M.A., Gonzalez-Akre, E., Herrera, F., Hu, S., Iglesias, A., Johnson, K.R., Karim, T.S., and Zou, X. 2021. An image dataset of cleared, x-rayed, and fossil leaves vetted to plant family for human and machine learning. PhytoKeys 187: 93-128.


Barreda, V.D., M.C. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, C. Jaramillo, and P. Wilf. 2020. Early Eocene spore-pollen assemblages from the Laguna del Hunco fossil-lake beds, Patagonia, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Sciences 181: 594-615.

Deanna, R., P Wilf, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2020. New physaloid fruit-fossil species from early Eocene South America. American Journal of Botany 107(11): 1–14.

De Benedetti, F., M.C. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2020. Reinterpretation of Paleoazolla Archangelsky, Phipps, Taylor et Taylor a heterosporous water fern from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina. American Journal of Botany 107: 1054-1071.

Jud, N.A. and M.A. Gandolfo. 2020. Fossil evidence from South America for the diversification of Cunoniaceae by the earliest Palaeocene. Annals of Botany DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcaa154

Kvacek, J., C. Coiffard, M.A. Gandolfo, J. Legrand, M.A. Mendes, H. Nishida, S. Ge, and H Wang. 2020. When and why nature gained angiosperms. Chapter 5: 129-158, in E. Martinetto et al. (eds.): “Nature through Time”, Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography, and Environment.

Pujana, R.R., P. Wilf, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2020. Conifer wood assemblage dominated by Podocarpaceae, early Eocene of Laguna del Hunco, central Argentinean Patagonia. Phytokeys 156: 81-102. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.156.54175.

Stiles, E., P. Wilf, A. Iglesias, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2020. Cretaceous-Paleogene plant extinction and recovery in Patagonia. Paleobiology

Zamaloa, M.C; M.A. Gandolfo, and K.C. Nixon. 2020. A 52 million years old Eucalyptus flower sheds more than pollen grains. American Journal of Botany 107(12): 1–9. doi:10.1002/ajb2.1569


Hermsen, E.J., N.A Jud, F. De Benedetti, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2019. Azolla sporophytes and spores from the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene of Patagonia, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180: 737-754 (Invited Contribution)

Nunes, C., J. Bodnar, I.H. Escapa, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2019. A new cupressaceous wood from the Early Cretaceous of Central Patagonia reveals possible clonal growth habit. Cretaceous Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2019.02.013

Walls, R.L., L. Cooper, J.L. Elser, M. A. Gandolfo, C. J. Mungall, B. Smith, D. W. Stevenson, and P. Jaiswal. 2019. The Plant Ontology facilitates Comparisons of Plant Development Stages Across Species. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 10: 1-17 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00631)

Wilf, P; K.C. Nixon, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2019. Eocene Fagaceae from Patagonia and Gondwanan legacy in Asian rainforests. Science 362: 972-981


Andruchow-Colombo, A., I.H. Escapa, N.R. Cúneo, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2018. Araucaria lefipanensis, a new species with dimorphic leaves from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. American Journal of Botany 105: 1-21

De Benedetti, F., M.C. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2018. A new species of the freshwater fern Azolla from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. In Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor, Krings et al (eds.)- (Invited Contribution)

Gandolfo, M.A., K.C. Nixon, W.L. Crepet, and D. A. Grimaldi. 2018. A Late Cretaceous Fagalean Inflorescence Preserved in Amber from New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 107:1-12. (Invited Contribution).

Givnish, T.J., A. Zuluaga, D. Spalink, M. Soto Gomez, V. Lam, J. Saarela, Ch. Sass, W. Iles, D. Lima, J. Leebens-Mack, J. Ch. Pires, W. Zomlefer, M.A. Gandolfo, J. Davis, D. Stevenson, C. dePamphilis, Ch. Specht, S. Graham, C. Barrett, and Cécile Ané. 2018. Monocot plastid phylogenomics, timeline, net rates of species diversification, the power of multi-gene analyses, and a functional model for the origin of monocots. American Journal of Botany

Jud, N., M.A. Gandolfo, A. Iglesias, and P. Wilf. 2018. Elaborate flowers of Schizomerieae (Cunoniaceae) from the early Paleocene of Argentina. Annals of Botany 121: 431-442

Jud, N.A. P. Wilf, A. Iglesias, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2018. The oldest evidence of Menispermaceae comes from the earliest Paleocene of Patagonia, Argentina. American Journal of Botany 105: 1- 16 (doi:10.1002/ajb2.1092)

Martinez, C., M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2018. Angiosperm leaves and cuticles from the uppermost Cretaceous of Patagonia, biogeographic implications and atmospheric paleo-CO2 estimates. Cretaceous Research DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2018.03.015

Nunes, C.I., R.R. Pujana, I.H. Escapa, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2018. A new species of Carlquistoxylon from the Early Cretaceous of Patagonia (Chubut Province, Argentina): the oldest record of angiosperm wood from South America. IAWA DOI 10.1163/22941932-20170206


Gandolfo, M.A. and E.J. Hermsen. 2017. Ceratopetalum (Cunoniaceae) fruits of Australasian affinity from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Patagonia, Argentina. Annals of Botany 119:507-516. doi:10.1093/aob/mcw283, available online at

Jud, N.A., M.A. Gandolfo, P Wilf, and A. Iglesias. 2017. Flowering after disaster: early Danian buckthorn (Rhamnaceae) flowers and leaves from Patagonia. PLoS One

Wilf, P. M.R. Carvalho, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2017. Eocene lantern fruits from Gondwanan Patagonia and the early origins of Solanaceae. Science 355:71-75.

Wilf, P., M.P. Donovan, N.R Cúneo, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2017. The fossil flip-leaves (Retrophyllum, Podocarpaceae) of southern South America. American Journal of Botany 104:1344-1369.


Escapa, I. H., M.A. Gandolfo, K.C. Nixon and W.L. Crepet. 2016. A new species of Athrotaxites (Athrotaxoideae, Cupressaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous Raritan Formation, New Jersey, USA. Canadian Journal of Botany 94: 831-845.

Hermsen, E.J. and M.A. Gandolfo. 2016. Fossil Fruits of Juglandaceae from the Eocene of South America: connecting the Paleogene floras of Patagonia and North America. Systematic Botany 41: 316-328.

Vento, B., M.A. Gandolfo, K.C. Nixon and M. Prámparo. 2016. Revision of Hunicken’s angiosperm collection from the Río Guillermo Formation (middle-upper Oligocene) Patagonia, Argentina. Historical Biology- International Journal of Paleobiology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2015.1136930

Xing, Y., M.A. Gandolfo, R.E. Onstein, D.J. Cantrill, B. Jacobs, G. Jordan, D.E. lee, S. Popova, R. Srivastava, T. Su, S.V. Vikulin, A. Yabe, and H. P. Linder. 2016. Testing the biases in the rich Cenozoic angiosperm macrofossil record. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177: 371-388. DOI: 10.1086/685388

Xing, Y., M.A. Gandolfo, and H. P. Linder. 2015. The Cenozoic biogeographical evolution of woody angiosperms inferred from fossil distributions. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12383


Hertweck, K.L., M.S. Kinney, S.A. Stuart, O. Maurin, S. Mathews, M.W. Chase, M.A. Gandolfo and J. C. Pires. 2015. Phylogenetics, Divergence times, and diversification from three genomic partitions in monocots. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1111/boj.12260

Iles, W.J.D., S.Y. Smith, M.A. Gandolfo and S.W. Graham. 2015. A review of monocot fossils suitable for molecular dating analyses. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1111/boj.12233

Villar de Seoane, L.; N.R. Cúneo, I. Escapa, P.Wilf and M.A. Gandolfo. 2015. Ginkgoites patagonica (Berry) comb. nov. from the Eocene of Patagonia, last Ginkgoalean record ion South America. International Journal of Plant Sciences.

Gallego, J., M.A. Gandolfo, N.R. Cúneo and M.C. Zamaloa. 2014. Fossil Araceae from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina with implications on the origin of free-floating aquatic aroids. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 211: 78-86

Cúneo, N.R., M.A. Gandolfo, M.C. Zamaloa and E.J. Hermsen. 2014. Late Cretaceous aquatic plant world in Patagonia, Argentina. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104749. doi:10. 1371/journal.pone.0104749

Puebla, G.G., M. Prámparo and M.A. Gandolfo. 2014. Aquatic ferns from the Upper Cretaceous Loncoche Formation, Mendoza, central-western, Argentina. Plant Systematics and Evolution DOI 10.1007/s00606-014-1096-7.

Gandolfo, M.A., N.R. Cúneo and E.J. Hermsen. 2014. Preliminary report on the paleoflora of the La Colonia Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Revista Mexicana de Geología 66: 11-23 (Invited contribution).

Hermsen, E.J., M.A. Gandolfo and N. R. Cúneo. 2014. New fossil Marsileaceae from the Cañadón de Irupé locality, Upper Cretaceous La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. Plant Systematics and Evolution 300: 369-386.

Walls, R. L.; Deck, J.; Guralnick, R.; Baskauf, S.; Beaman, R.; Blum, S.; Bowers, S.; Buttigieg, P. L.; Davies, N.; Endresen, G.; Gandolfo, M.A.; Hanner, R.; Janning, A.; Krishtalka, L.; Matsunaga, A.; Midford, P.; Morrison, N.; Tuama, É. Ó.; Schildauer, M.; Smith, B.; Stucky, B. J.; Thomer, A.; Wieczorek, J.; Whitacre, J. and Wooley, J. 2014. Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies. Plos One 9(3) e89606. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089606.

Carvahlo, M; P. Wilf; E.J. Hermsen; M.A. Gandolfo, N.R. Cúneo and K. Johnson. 2013. First record of Todea (Osmundaceae) in South America, from the early Eocene paleorainforests of Laguna del Hunco, Patagonia, Argentina. American Journal of Botany 110: 1831-1848.

Cúneo, N.R., E. J. Hermsen, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2013. Regnellidium macrofossils and associated spores from the Late Cretaceous of South America. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174: 340-349.

Cooper, L., R. L. Walls, J. Elser, M. A. Gandolfo, D. W. Stevenson, B. Smith, J. Preece, B. Athreya, Ch. J. Mungall, S. Rensing, M. Hiss, D. Lang, R. Reski, T. Z. Berardini, D. Li, E. Huala, M. Schaeffer, N. Menda, E. Arnaud, R. Shrestha, Y. Yamazaki, P. Jaiswal. 2013. The Plant Ontology as a Tool for Comparative Plant Anatomy and Genomic Analyses. Plant Cell and Physiology, doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcs163.

Futey, M; M. A. Gandolfo, M. C. Zamaloa, N.R. Cuneo and G. Cladera. 2012. Arecaceae fossil fruits from the Paleocene of Patagonia. The Botanical Review 78: 205-234.

Hermsen, E. J., M.A. Gandolfo and M.C. Zamaloa. 2012. The fossil record of Eucalyptus in Patagonia. American Journal of Botany 99: 1356–1374.

Lens, F., L. Cooper, M. A. Gandolfo, A. Groover, P. Jaiswal, B. Lachenbruch, R. Spicer, M. E. Staton, D. W. Stevenson, R. L. Walls, and J. Wegrzyn. 2012. An extension of the Plant Ontology project supporting wood anatomy and development research. IAWA Journal 33: 113-117.

Sauquet, H., S. Ho, M.A. Gandolfo, G. Jordan, P.D. Wilf, D. Cantrill, M. Bayly, L. Bromham, G. Brown, R. Carpenter, D. Lee, D. Murphy, K. Sniderman, and F. Udovicic. 2012. Testing the impact of calibration on molecular divergence times using a fossil-rich group: The case of Nothofagus (Fagales). Systematic Biology 61: 289-313.

Walls, R. L., B. Athreya, L. Cooper, J. Elser, M. A. Gandolfo, P. Jaiswal, C. J. Mungall, J. Preece, S. Rensing, B. Smith, and D. W. Stevenson. 2012. Ontologies as integrative tools for plant science. American Journal of Botany 99: 1263-1275.

Gandolfo, M. A., E. J. Hermsen, M. C. Zamaloa, K. C. Nixon, C. C. González, P. Wilf, N. R. Cúneo, and K. R. Johnson. 2011. Oldest known Eucalyptus macrofossils are from South America. PLoS One 6(6): e21084. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021084.

Ksepka, D. T; M. J. Benton; M. T. Carrano; M. A. Gandolfo; J. J. Head; E. J. Hermsen; W. G. Joyce; K. S. Lamm; J. S. L. Patané; M. J. Phillips; P. D. Polly; M. Van Tuinen; J. L. Ware; R. C. M. Warnock and J.F. Parham. 2011. Synthesizing and databasing fossil calibrations: divergence dating and beyond. Biology Letters 7: 801-803. DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0356.


Archangelsky, S., V. Barreda, M.G. Passalia, M.A. Gandolfo, M. Prámparo, E.J. Romero, N.R. Cúneo, A. Zamuner, A. Iglesias, M. Llorens, G.G. Puebla, M. Quattrocchio, and W. Volkheimer. 2009. Early angiosperm diversification: evidence from Southern South America. Cretaceous Research 30: 1073-1082.

Wilf, P.D., S.A. Little, A. Iglesias, M.C. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, N.R. Cúneo, K.R. Johnson. 2009. Papuacedrus (Cupressaceae) in Eocene Patagonia, a new fossil link to Australasian rainforests. American Journal of Botany 96: 2031-2047.

Crisp, M., M. T.K. Arroyo, L. Cook, M.A. Gandolfo, G.J. Jordan, M. McGlone, P.H. Weston, M. Westoby, P. Wilf and H.P. Linder. 2009. Phylogenetic Habitat Conservatism on a Global Scale. Nature 458: 754-756.

Gandolfo M. A., M.C. Zamaloa, M.C, R.N. Cúneo, and A. Archangelsky. 2009. Potamogetonaceae fossil fruits from the Tertiary of Patagonia, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170: 419- 428.

Crepet, W.L. and M.A. Gandolfo. 2008. Paleobotany in the post-genomic era: introduction. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 95: 1-2.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, and W. L. Crepet. 2008. Selection of fossils for calibration of molecular dating models. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 95: 34- 42.

Prámparo, M.B., M. Quattrocchio, M.A. Gandolfo, M. C. Zamaloa y E. J. Romero. 2007. Historia evolutiva de las angiospermas (Cretácico-Paleógeno) en Argentina a través de los registros paleoflorísticos. Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 11, Ameghiniana 50° Aniversario: 157-172.

Gonzalez, C., M. A. Gandolfo, M.C. Zamaloa, R. N. Cúneo, P. Wilf, and K. Johnson. 2007. Revision of the Proteaceae macrofossil record from Patagonia, Argentina. The Botanical Review 73: 235-266.

Gandolfo, M.A. 2006. Patagonia: A Paleobotanist’s paradise. American Paleontologist 14: 23-26.

Zamaloa, M.C, M. A. Gandolfo, Gonzalez, C., E.J. Romero, R. N. Cúneo, and P. Wilf. 2006. Casuarinaceae from the Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 1279-1289.

Crepet, W. L., K. C. Nixon and M. A. Gandolfo. 2005. An extinct calycanthoid taxon, Jerseyanthus calycanthoides, from the Late Cretaceous of New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 92: 1475- 1485.

Cúneo, N. R., and M. A. Gandolfo. 2005. Angiosperm leaves from the Kachaike Formation, Lower Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 136: 29-47.

Gandolfo, M. A., and N. R. Cúneo. 2005. Fossil Nelumbonaceae from the La Colonia Formation (Maastrichtian- Campanian, Upper Cretaceous), Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 133: 169-178.

Wilf, P., K.R. Johnson, N. R. Cúneo, M. E. Smith, B.S. Singer and M.A. Gandolfo. 2005. Eocene Plant Diversity at Laguna del Hunco and Río Pichileufú, Patagonia, Argentina. The American Naturalist 165: 634-650.

Crepet, W. L., K. C. Nixon and M.A. Gandolfo. 2004. Fossil evidence and phylogeny: the age of major angiosperm clades based on mesofossil and macrofossil evidence from Cretaceous deposits. American Journal of Botany 91: 1666-1682.

Davis, J. I., D.W. Stevenson, G. Petersen, O. Seberg, L. M. Campbell, J. V. Freudenstein, D. H. Goldman, Ch. R. Hardy, F. A. Michelangeli, M. P. Simmons, Ch. D. Specht, F. Vergara Silva, and M. A. Gandolfo. 2004. A Phylogeny of the Monocots, as Inferred from rbcL and atpA Sequence Variation, and a Comparison of Methods for Calculating Jackknife and Bootstrap Values. Systematic Botany 29: 467-510.

Gandolfo, M. A. 2004. Triuridaceae. In Families of Neotropical Flowering Plants, pp. 487- 488. A. Henderson (ed.), New York Botanical Garden.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, and W. L. Crepet. 2004. The oldest complete fossil flowers of Nymphaeaceae and implications for the complex insect entrapment pollination mechanisms in Early Angiosperms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101: 8056-8060.

Gonzalez, C. C., M. A. Gandolfo, and R. N. Cúneo. 2004. Leaf architecture and epidermal characters of the Argentina species of Proteaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 521-536.

Hermsen, E. J. and M. A. Gandolfo. 2004. Fossil identification used in molecular dating studies should be justified. American Journal of Botany

Hermsen, E. J., M. A. Gandolfo, K. C. Nixon, and W. L. Crepet. 2003. Divisestylus gen. nov., a fossil saxifage from the Late Cretaceous of New Jersey, USA. American Journal of Botany 90: 1373-1388.

Gandolfo, M. A., Nixon, K. C., and Crepet, W. L. 2002. Triuridaceae fossil flowers from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 89: 1940-1957.

Gandolfo, M. A., Nixon , K. C., and Crepet, W. L. 2001. Studies on Turonian Pinaceae of the Raritan Formation, New Jersey. Plant Systematics and Evolution 226: 187-203.

Crepet. W. L., K. C. Nixon and M. A. Gandolfo. 2001. Turonian flora of New Jersey. VII International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 7: 62-97.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, and W. L. Crepet. 2000. Monocotyledons: A review of their Early Cretaceous record. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons. K. Wilson and D. Morrison (eds.) Pp. 44-52. Sydney, Australia.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, W. L Crepet, and G. E. Ratcliffe. 2000. Sorophores of the genus Lygodium from the Late Cretaceous of New Jersey. Plant Systematics and Evolution 221:113-123.


Gandolfo, M. A., S. A. Marenssi, and S. N. Santillana. 1998. Flora y Paleoclima de la Formación La Meseta (Eoceno Medio), Isla Marambio (Seymour), Antártida. Publicación Especial 5. Paleógeno de América del Sur y de la Península Antártica, pp. 155-162.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, and W. L. Crepet. 1998. Tylerianthus crossmanensis gen. et sp. nov., (Rosales) from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 85: 376-386.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, and W. L. Crepet. 1998. New fossil flower from the Turonian of New Jersey: Dressiantha bicarpelatta gen. et. sp. nov. (Capparales). American Journal of Botany 85: 964-974.

Gandolfo, M. A., P. Hoc, S. N. Santillana, and S. A. Marenssi. 1998. Una flor fósil con afinidades a la familia Grossulariaceae (Orden Rosales) colectada en la Formación La Meseta (Eoceno Medio), Isla Marambio (Seymour), Antártida. Publicación Especial 5. Paleógeno de América del Sur y de la Península Antártica, pp. 147-153.

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, W.L. Crepet, D. W. Stevenson, and E. M. Friis. 1998. Oldest known fossil flowers of monocotyledons. Nature 394: 532-533

Gandolfo, M. A., K. C. Nixon, W. L. Crepet, and G. E. Ratcliffe. 1997. A new fossil Gleicheniaceae from Late Cretaceous sediments of New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 84: 483-493.

Gandolfo, M. A. 1996. The presence of Fagaceae (Oak Family) in sediments of the Klondike Mountain Formation (Middle Eocene), Republic, Washington. Washington Geology 24: 20-21.

Gandolfo, M. A. and E. J. Romero. 1992. Leaf Morphology and a key to species of Nothofagus Bl. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 119: 152-166.

Palma, R. M., M. C. Zamaloa, and M. A. Gandolfo. 1992. Depósitos de la Formación Cullén y su contenido paleontológico terciario de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. IV Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología. Actas 2: 271-278.

Gandolfo, M. A. 1992. El género Nothofagus y su presencia en estratos terciarios patagónicos. I- Las colecciones. Ecognición 3: 3-8.

Gandolfo, M.A., S. A. Marenssi, and S. N. Santillana. 1990. La primera flor fósil para la Formación La Meseta (Eoceno), Isla Marambio, Antártida. Asociación Geológica Argentina (Revista) 45: 189-201.

Gandolfo, M. A. and E. J. Romero. 1989. Fossil remains of Nothofagus and others plants in quaternary sediments of Gable Island, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula. 7: 365-347. (Selected Paper of the IV International Symposium on the Holocene of South America; Paraná, Argentina).

Gandolfo, M. A., M.C. Dibbern, and E. J. Romero. 1988. Akania patagonica n. sp. and additional material on A. americana Romero & Hickey (Akaniaceae) from Paleocene sediments of Patagonia. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 115: 83-88.

Romero, E. J., M. C. Dibbern, and M. A. Gandolfo. 1987. Revisión de Lomatia bivascularis (Berry) Freng. (Proteaceae) de la Laguna del Hunco, Pcia. del Chubut. VI Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía. Actas 3: 125-130.

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