Scrophulariaceae -- the figwort or monkey flower family (190/ 4000; Cosmopolitan, most abundant in temperate regions and tropical alpine habitats)
Habit herbs, less frequently shrubs or trees
Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled; simple to deeply divided or compound; estipulate
Inflorescences often racemose or cymose
Special floral characters flowers perfect and zygomorphic, tubular corolla, anthers 4 (2+2, filaments unequal) and sometimes with a staminode (if present often pubescent).
Calyx 5 sepals, distinct or variously connate; zygomorphic
Corolla 5 petals, connate (=sympetalous), zygomorphic, often bilabiate
Androecium 4 or 2 (5) stamens, distinct; filaments adnate to corolla (=epipetalous)
Gynoecium 2 carpels; connate; superior; 2 locules with 2-many axile ovules/locule; 1 style with bilobed stigma
Fruit= mostly a septicidal capsule
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 4 or 2 G 2 )