Scrophulariaceae -- comments
Some genera: Aragoa, Bacopa, Bartsia, Calceolaria, Castilleja, Lindernia, Mimulus, Pedicularis, Verbascum, Veronica.
Comments: The Orobanchaceae is generally considered the parasitic/saprophytic counterpart/sistergroup to the Scrophulariaceae and sometimes treated as a subfamily within Scrophulariaceae. Indian paintbrush (Castilleja), a partial root parasite, is an example of a scroph that links the two families together. The Scrophulariaceae is important for its the production of cardiac glycosides from Digitalis (foxglove) and for ornamentals which include items such as veronica (Veronica), penstemons (Penstemon), butter and eggs (Linaria), monkey flowers (Mimulus), slipper flower (Calceolaria), etc.