Lamiaceae -- the mint family (200/ 2000; Cosmopolitan, especially common in Mediterranean habitats)
Habit aromatic, punctate herbs, less frequently shrubs or trees
Leaves opposite or rarely whorled; simple to deeply divided or pinnate; estipulate; terete (square) stems
Inflorescences axillary cymes or verticils, sometimes headlike or solitary, various
Special floral characters bilabiate corolla with 4 stamens fused to the petals, gynobasic style, and 4-lobed ovary that matures into nutlets
Calyx 5 sepals, variously connate; zygomorphic
Corolla 5 petals, connate (=sympetalous), zygomorphic, often bilabiate
Androecium 4 or 2 stamens, distinct; filaments adnate to corolla (=epipetalous)
Gynoecium 2 basally connate carpels (appear as four because of a false septum); superior; 4-lobed or divided into 4 locules with 1 basal-axile ovule/ locule; 1 gynobasic style, 2-lobed near apex
Fruit= schizocarp which splits into four nutlets
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 4 or 2 G 2 )