Caryophyllaceae-- the pink or carnation family (66-75/2,000; cosmopolitan with most in temperate and warm-temperate of Northern Hemisphere)
Habit herbs (rarely shrubs); NO betalains
Leaves opposite and decussate, simple; entire, stipulate or estipulate; attached to swollen nodes
Inflorescences cymose or solitary
Special floral characters petals often differentiated into claw and blade, petals often notched at apex, or “pinked”, or variously lobed
Calyx 5 (4) sepals distinct or connate
Corolla 5 (4) (0) petals distinct; actinomorphic
Androecium (3-) 10 stamens, distinct
Gynoecium 2-5 carpels; connate; superior; 1 locule with few-many free-central ovules OR 1 locule with 1 basal ovule; styles as many as carpels, simple
Fruit= usually a denticidal capsule or achene; peripherally curved embryo
(Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 10 G 2-5 )