Polygonaceae -- the buckwheat family (30-49/1,000; mostly north temperate)
Habit herbs, shrubs (lianas or trees); NO betalains
Leaves variable phyllotaxy, simple; entire, estipulate or stipulate with fused sheathing stipules forming an ochrea
Inflorescences solitary or often in paniculiform or spike-like clusters
Special floral characters flowers sometimes subtended by calyx-like involucre, hypanthium often present
Calyx 2-5 sepals in one series OR 6 (4) sepals in two series
Corolla absent
Androecium 3-9 stamens, distinct; free or filaments basally adnate to sepals
Gynoecium 2-3(4) carpels; connate; superior; 1 locule with 1 basal ovule; styles as many as carpels, simple
Fruit= triangular or lenticular achene or small nut; often surrounded by closely appressed inner whorl of calyx; embryo curved or straight
(Floral formula: Ca 4-5 OR 3 + 3 Co 0 A 3-9 G 2-3 )