Chenopodiaceae-- the goosefoot family (110-113/1,500; mostly in temperate and subtropical areas)
Habit herbs, shrubs (sometimes succulent) common in saline habitats; betalains present.
Leaves alternate (opposite), simple; entire, estipulate; with mealy pubescence
Inflorescences solitary or cymosely clustered in racemiform, paniculiform, or spike-like clusters
Special floral characters flowers perfect or imperfect
Calyx 3-5 (1-2 or 0), distinct or connate
Corolla absent
Androecium 1-5 stamens, distinct; opposite the sepals
Gynoecium 2(3) carpels; connate; superior(inferior); 1 locule with 1 basal ovule; styles as many as carpels, simple
Fruit= Fruit an achene or utricle (utricle=a bladdery achene with the pericarp loose and fragile); coiled or peripherally curved embryo
(Floral formula: Ca 3-5 Co 0 A 1-5 G 2-3 )