Cactaceae -- the cactus family (20-200/1000-2000 Debatable!; xeric, warm parts of the New World (Rhipsalis an African disjunct) )
Habit shrubs, trees, stem-succulents (stem cylindrical, ribbed or flattened) and epiphytes; betalains present
Leaves alternate, simple; entire, often highly reduced and cauducous or absent, estipulate; areoles present, bearing 1-many spines only OR 1-many spines and many glochids
Inflorescences solitary and emerging from areoles or bursting through epidermis
Special floral characters showy flowers with many floral parts, sunken in stem, stamens sometimes display reflexaction, hypanthium sometimes well- developed
Perianth numerous tepals, outer spirals sepaloid, inner spirals petaloid
Androecium many stamens, distinct, basally adnate to innermost tepals
Gynoecium 2-many carpels; connate; inferior (sunken into stem); 1 locule with many parietal ovules; 1 style, usually hollow, with 2-many stigma lobes
Fruit= berry, capsule or spiny burr; embryo curved or straight
(Floral formula: T ? A ? G ? )